Tuesday, September 4, 2012

reset password windows xp dalam 5 menit

reset password windows xp dalam 5 menit
tadi siang ada temen minta tolong laptopnya tiba-tiba user passwordnya nongol dan terkunci...dia udah nyoba passwordnya tapi tetep nggak kebuka juga
iseng-iseng aku coba....ehhhh ternyata bisa n berhasil aku reset password nya...
berikut langkah-langkah buat mereset user password di windows xp
1.nyalakan laptop
2.masuk ke safe mode(biasanya start up tekan f8)
3.masuk ke administrator..klik yes untuk safe mode
4.buka explorer
5.klik kanan folder C
6.pilih manage
7.klik kanan user acc
8.muncul tampilan konfirmasi password...klik ok aja
9.restart kompi
10.walllah kompi sudah tidak terkunci lagi

gitu dech pengalaman saya tadi...moga membantu kalo ada yang ngebutuhin

Friday, August 31, 2012

Dekorasi Pernikahan

Pernikahan adalah saat yang terpenting dan terindah bagi pasangan yang saling mencintai. Dan akan selalu menjadi kenangan sepanjang masa,sehingga tidak ada salahnya untuk menciptakan suasananya menjadi indah dan berkesan. Memperindah ruangan dimana pernikahan berlangsung,akan membuat suasana pesta,menjadi lebih hidup,karena bisa disesuaikan dengan konsep yang ingin disampaikan.

Untuk memperindah ruangan pernikahan anda,tidak perlu harus mengeluarkan kocek yang banyak,namun bisa di tentukan dengan kemampuan keuangan anda,dengan menyampaikan keinginan anda,pada pihak yang benar benar memahami dan mampu menerjemahkannya menjadi sebuah karya seni yang indah.

Kami Bias Asri Florist and wedding Decoration siap melayani anda,untuk memperindah ruangan pesta pernikahan anda. Silahkan lihat gambar dekorasi yang kami miliki,dan jangan sungkan menghubungi kami untuk memperoleh informasi selanjutnya.
Untuk informasi lebih detail silahkan klik DISINI

bordir dan aneka topi bandung

Melayani pesanan topi bordir dengan bahan kain sesuai pesanan pelanggan,
bordir di depan, belakang, samping kiri dan kanan.
Melayani pesanan bordir:
1. emblem, lokasi, topi, kaos kaki
2. bendera, spanduk, dan rastar foto
3. Melayani pula bordir kaos, kemeja, jaket, rompi, jas
4. Serta melayani pembuatan setting film bordir komputer.
Untuk Pemesanan:
 post disini
Atau datang saja ke
 Pasar Baru Mall Bandung
atau di Borma Antapani Bandung
Wied topi bordir

Skema kable flash usb samsung champ(c3303k)untuk UFS

Skema kable flash usb samsung cham(c3303k)untuk UFS

barangkali ada yang membutuhkan....sudah saya coba dan konek proses flashing lancar dan handphone pun normal kembali

fix bad sectors on a hard drive

This software can be used to repair and remove the bad sectors in the hard drive (via the startup disk), but I myself not try yet. download and extract the file from the zip. Double-click the file. Exe, there will be a command to insert a floppy disk, a floppy disk is well run the program .KLIK HERE to download the software HDD Regenerator OR Other software can be subject to repair bad sectors hard drive: FloboHDD Please download (Rapidshare)
Sources: Rapidinfo

Sunday, May 6, 2012

chewing gum modern as well as ancient

Since the first human being like chewing gum, the ancient Greeks chewed resin mastics tree, chewing tzictli aztec people, or some sort of sap of the sapodilla tree and Native Americans taught the people of new england colonies to chew spruce tree resin (a type of pine), is actually the beginning of the year 1800s spruce resin lumps became the first commercial chewing gum marketed in the United States, recently sweetened chewing paraffin wax became popular. Modern gum is said to appear at the end of the mid-19th century, during the exile of former Mexican president Santa Anna in the United States, he observed pieces of pieces of chewing chicle (the sap of the sapodilla) brought from Mexico, an American inventor realized the potential of the sap that if given the sweetener and taste, he was inspired that he imported chicle to the United States to make chewing gum
Is the latex chicle from the sapodilla tree thick evergreen tree called the gum tree, the tree was derived from gran piten precisely in the area of tropical rain forest north guatemala and mexico Yucatan Peninsula, where more than 174 sapodilla trees can be found in a hectare, for rainy season, called chicle gatherers chicelaros
make a zigzag streaks on the main stem of wild sapodilla trees to make latex flows slowly into the bowl beneath it, latex is then collected boiled at a predetermined temperature and made ​​the box or boxes to form other shapes in the sale, although some degree of chicle is still used by the industry bubble gum bubble gum in particular is advertised using natural materials, this resin has been widely replaced by synthetic products in 1940 in the United States
why is chewing gum so popular? many people chew gum to freshen breath and clean teeth if they do not have time to brush your teeth after a meal or snack, they found that chewing gum can provide relaxing effect and helps to concentrate even recognized as chewing gum can reduce stress and increase alertness, force supply the American armed forces of chewing gum for the first and second world wars, some drivers find that chewing gum is more effective to keep them up than a cup of coffee, people who try to quit smoking may find that chewing gum can help, chewing gum is also popular as a substitute for a snack, as a piece of chewing gum containing rat average less than ten calories. but many people find that chewing gum is rude and sometimes chew gum at the same time is the modern custom of antiquity.